Luxury Mobile Massage in London for your Back Pain

A whopping ninety percent of adults have lower back pain at some point in their life. Like most people, you may have spent a lot of your time sitting down, whether on the bus, at a desk, or in a bad posture. And all those minutes in a seated, there is a significant compression on the lower portion of your spine. But just because low back pain is very common, it doesn’t make incurable. That troublesome, constant nagging pain can turn into a source of depression. If the ice pack and stretching routine aren’t cutting it down any longer, you’re perhaps looking for new and better answers to the pain in your back.  London mobile massage can be one of them.

Reasons for lower back pain


The reason for your lower back pain may be brief – like keeping bent for a long time or carrying heavy-duty luggage or you may just have a chronic situation that leads to low back pain. Aside from damage and other discomforts, there are quite a few risk factors from it. 


Risk factors include -


·         having a job that needs serious heavy lifting or pushing,

·         weight gain between 30 and 50 years of age

·         pregnancy,

·         the way you sit with poor posture, and least back support.

·         having pre-existing mental health problems such as anxiety and depression,

If you’re showing symptoms for any longer than 2 weeks, you may have chronic low back pain. In either case, the trouble and uneasiness from back pain can be horrible. The best mobile massage in London can help a little to struggle and fight this one with regular sessions and the right pressure. 

Solutions for improving your low back pain

Sufferers of back pain are also occasionally given high-power painkillers like opioids. While opioids can lessen the pain, their use leads to other risks, like causing addiction. One common explanation for back pain is surgery. But even after that, the results are far from guaranteed. One study found that operation for back pain was doing well just 26% of the time.


Natural treatments for Back Pain

The good news is these methods of reducing back pain are inexpensive and not risky than drugs or surgical treatment. Yoga, London Outcall Massage, exercise, and physical therapy are all verified options to try when faced with chronic back pain.

You can book for an outcall massage in London if needed and talk about it.


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