Mobile Massage Therapy in London at the time of Pandemic

It is the most grievous time of all right now. People are either panicking or just aren’t give a heed to the pandemic that has come up. Both reactions are quite extreme because panicking won’t help and ignoring it completely will not help you either. There was a time when people could freely move around to shop or get a luxury mobile massage in London and all over the world. Sadly, it is restricted for now. 

How do you overcome it?

Massage is important for many people. Those who suffer from anxiety and stress need to the most. The importance of touch does a positive change. One could still maintain all the precautions for a London Outcall Massage TherapyIt won’t be easy but it can be tried with strict precautions. 

If there is a complete lockdown or a sharp rise in cases in your area, then we advise you not to go for it. The virus spreads fast and needs to be contained. Many countries still haven’t opened up many places for the public. 

If you are in the zone where it’s okay to call in people, then you can book an Outcall Massage Therapy in London

These are the precautionary measures one should take-

  • Do not call a therapist in large gatherings
  • Ask about the health and sanitization of pieces of equipment before you book. 
  • Separate therapist for separate individuals only. 
  • When they arrive, have them sanitized, washed hands, wear masks, gloved, or the PPE kit if needed. 
  • The equipment must be sanitized as well. 
  • The client must confirm they do not have any symptoms either. This will ensure two-way safety. 
  • The client must be in a mask too. The virus spreads through the mouth, travels in the air- please understand that social distancing during massage is not possible, hence make a decision likewise. 
  • No usage of mobile phones once the therapist arrives as it carries most of the germs. 

These are just a few things one has to take care of. Massage for a large gathering or in closed spaces should be avoided for now. It is very tricky to understand the line between how not to panic and how to be concerned. Many are taking it very lightly. 

Please go for a massage only if urgent. Safety is important and you need to be responsible for others around you too. 


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